Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome to my cake blog!

Well, I'm going to start by posting a bunch of photos of cakes past and present... hey, this may turn out to be a one-post blog if I end up never making another cake!

Naah... I always think I never want to make another cake, but then someone's birthday rolls around and I end up making one anyway... and enjoying it! And then swearing I'm not going to make any more!

This is a castle cake from long ago, before I learned that a four-layer cake must have supports in it to prevent it from sagging!

This is an Oscar the Grouch cake I made for my daughter's 2nd birthday, nine years ago. It was very easy to make, but turned out great!

I made this Webkinz cake for my other daughter's 8th birthday, when Webkinz were all the rage. I personalized it by putting some of our own Webkinz on it.

I made this Pokemon cake for my daughter's friend's birthday, with his favorite Pokemon on it.

I made this Outlaw Star cake for my sister a couple of years ago. It was very hard to cut out!

This is a Handy Manny cake I made for my neighbor's little boy's 4th birthday. My husband stayed up half the night helping me make all the little tools out of fondant! Handy Manny is made out of fondant too, and stuck onto a dowel rod so he would stay put on the cake!

I made this Monkey Island cake for a little girl who loves pink and monkeys. It was really fun to make, as it kind of tells a little story rather than just having characters who sit there. I was quite fond of those monkeys by the time I was finished! The palm trees, however, would not cooperate and insisted on having droopy fronds.

And my latest cake - a Pokeball, for my daughter's friend again! It was really hard to get the top of the ball that smooth without using fondant, but I try not to cover my cakes in fondant as it doesn't taste that good compared to regular frosting. I covered the top of this cake with regular frosting tinted as red as I could get it with gel food coloring (so it would still taste good but not show through white), and then I spread a layer of red frosting from a squeezy tube over the top to make it nice and red. That squeezy frosting smooths out quite nicely.

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